
During the Living Life to the Fullest project, we have made podcasts to talk about the research. The podcasts were developed together as a team, with the speakers deciding together what question or topic they wanted to talk about. We think that podcasts are a really useful way of sharing information in accessible ways. They can be easily shared on social media and listened to anywhere. We have also included a transcript of the podcasts for those who require or prefer the written text. We hope that you enjoy listening (or reading)!

Co-Producing Research With Young Disabled People (2019)

For the fourth annual Co-production Week and Festival (#CoProWeek), 1 – 5 July 2019, run by the Social Care Institute for Excellence, we celebrated with a podcast. In celebration of this special week, which advocates the benefits of co-production and encourages people to share good practice, our Lead Co-Researcher Lucy Watts MBE produced a brilliant podcast about the ways in which we enact co-production in Living Life to the Fullest. The theme for 2019 was ‘Sharing Power’.

Lucy said, “Living Life to the Fullest is a research project looking at the lives, hopes, desires and contributions of disabled children and young people, and their families. This project is co-produced with young disabled women in the form of the “Co-Researcher Collective”, who, unlike many projects, are not just part of the project as subjects or PPI support, these Co-Researchers have been part of every aspect of the project from data collection to data analysis, as well as writing-up our work, and of other interrelated projects of the project, which include a (work in progress) co-production toolkit, an (in progress) book about our work and experiences, our blog, attending conferences, and other side-projects. In this episode, we’re joined by Dr Kirsty Liddiard of the University of Sheffield, the lead researcher, and Sally Whitney, one of our Co-Researcher Collective members, who discuss the Living Life To The Fullest project, our work, how we’ve achieved what we’ve done, and what co-production is, how it has benefitted our project, and how others can learn from what we’ve done” – (Lucy Watts MBE, 2019).

You can listen to the podcast and access a transcript below.

Litsten to Co-Producing Research With Young Disabled People - Episode 2, Licy's Light here

Download a transcript here

The Co-Researcher’s Perspective (2019)

This podcast was made in collaboration with our book publisher, Emerald. Em erald wanted to celebrated International Day of Disabled People 2019 by curating a collection of disability research podcasts and blog posts . The Co-Researcher’s Perspective was recorded with our co-researcher Sally Whitney. Sally talked about her experiences as a co-researcher in the Living Life to the Fullest project: “As a young disabled person you often feel ignored by society. No-one had ever asked us about our lives before – only our impairments. This gave us a voice.”

Listen to Sally Whiteny's The Co-researcher's Perspective podcast here

Download a transcript here

How to make a podcast

There are lots of great guides online which will tell you how to make a podcast. We really like this guide by The Podcast Host. We’ve included a quick start guide below:

Choose a topic you are interested in. If you want to do a podcast series, choose a topic you can commit to.

Define your show description and any artwork or images you might want to include to promote it.

Set up with a free podcast maker. You can find lots on Google. Our co-researcher Lucy Watts MBE used Audioboom, but there are many others.

Thoroughly test your equipment – you might be using special equipment (e.g. microphones), but the minimum you need to record a podcast is a computer with a built in microphone and access to the internet.

Create a plan for your episodes (if you are having a series).

Record your episodes. Having guests on your podcast is an easy way to make it dynamic, as well as provide your listener with multiple perspectives. Your guests don’t have to be in the same room – you can record a Skype call. We’ve used Callnote for this – it’s free and very easy to use.

Edit and publish your episodes. Most podcast makers come with the ability to edit, so you can edit where you created the podcast.

Launch your podcast to your audience. Use social media to promote it and, if you have one, embed it on your own blog or website.